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It's all in the taste.
Feed Mix. 13, 25-28. Abstract
Effect of application of different flavoring agents in diet for weaning pigs. [Chinese].
Chinese Journal of Animal Science. 37, 34-35. Abstract
The use of flavours in feed improves performance of piglets weaned at 21 days of age.
Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes. 54, 213-215. Abstract
The effect of palatability and aromatic supplements to pig feed on meat quality. [Russian].
Svinovodstvo. 4, 20-22. Abstract
Effects of a new sweetener, Stevia, on performance of newly weaned pigs.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 80, 529-531. Abstract
Effect of the use of concentrates and aromas on free intake of lactating sows during summer. [Spanish].
ITEA Produccion Animal. 1999. 20: 2, 454-456. 3 ref.. Abstract
Pelleting of diet ingredients: effect of feed presentation on performance, diet selection and feed intake behaviour in piglets.
Journal of Animal Physiology & Animal Nutrition. 77, 153-160. Abstract
Possibilities and limitations for improving the use of byproducts in pig feeding: results of a field study. [German].
( , Ed.).Landbauforschung Volkenrode, Sonderheft. Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft Braunschweig-Volkenrode, Braunschweig, Germany: 1996. 169, 74-78.. Abstract
Preference of weanling pigs for dietary supplemental methionine sources.
Annual Research Report Prairie Swine Centre. 32-36. Abstract
Pigs fed Fusarium-infected maize containing zearalenone and nivalenol with sweeteners and bentonite.
Livestock Production Science. 39, 275-281. Abstract
Effect of water sweetener on the performance of newly weaned pigs offered medicated and unmedicated feed.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 73, 669-672. Abstract
When flavours are useful. [Italian].
Rivista de Suinicoltura. 34, 45-48. Abstract
Studies and observations on the use of flavoured diets in the early weaning of piglets. [Italian].
Rivista di Suinicoltura. 33, 69-75. Abstract
Effects of thaumatin-based sweetener on feed intake of lactating sows and weaner pigs.
Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia. 3, 37-44. Abstract
Feed flavour in rations for pregnant and lactating gilts and for suckling pigs. [Portuguese].
Ars Veterinaria. 4, 313-320. Abstract
Role of palatability factors and protein feeds for pigs 31 to 91 days old in increasing intake and growth performance. [Romanian].
Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de Biologie si Nutritie Animala. 12, 45-57. Abstract
Improving the palatability of mixed feeds for piglets by technological treatment and addition of flavouring substances. [Romanian].
Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de Cercetari pentru Nutritie Animala. 9/10, 99-108. Abstract
Polyol mixture supplementation as a sweetener and/or feed additive in the diet of piglets.
Journal of the Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland. 53, 57-63. Abstract
The aromatic substances Firanor 24(S) and its effect on the growth of piglets and consumption of feed up to 60 days old. [Czech].
Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze, Fakulta Agronomicka, B. 30, 191-201. Abstract
Increasing performance in the early weaned pig.
Nutrition Reports International. 21, 519-524. Abstract
Evaluation of rearing systems and feed flavours for pigs weaned at two to three weeks of age.
Journal of Animal Science. 48, 999-1006. Abstract
Development of feed preference in young swine.
Feedstuffs, USA. 49, 25. Abstract
A note on the use of a feed flavour to stimulate the feed intake of weaner pigs.
Animal Production. 23, 417-419. Abstract
Effect of the aromatic feed preparation TAR E/2134 on weight gains in fattening pigs. [Slovakian].
Vedecke Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu Zivocisnej Vyroby v Nitre. 12, 63-68. Abstract
Effect of artificial flavourings on the intake of solid feeds by calves and piglets. [Hungarian].
Allattenyesztes. 21, 329-339. Abstract